Ff ioman
typedef struct{
uint32_t ulSector; /* The LBA(一种定址模式) of the Cached sector. */
uint32_t ulLRU; /* For the Least Recently Used algorithm. */
uint8_t * pucBuffer; /* Pointer to the cache block. */
uint32_t ucMode : 8, /* Read or Write mode. */
bModified : 1, /* If the sector was modified since read. */
bValid : 1; /* Initially FALSE. */
uint16_t usNumHandles; /* Number of objects using this buffer. */
uint16_t usPersistance; /* For the persistance algorithm. */
} FF_Buffer_t;`
typedef struct _FF_IOMAN
FF_BlockDevice_t xBlkDevice; /* Pointer to a Block device description. */
FF_Partition_t xPartition; /* A partition description. */
FF_Buffer_t * pxBuffers; /* Pointer to an array of buffer descriptors. */
void * pvSemaphore; /* Pointer to a Semaphore object(信号量). (For buffer description modifications only!). */
void * pvSemaphoreOpen; /* A semaphore to protect FF_Open() against race conditions. */
void * FirstFile; /* Pointer to the first File object. */
void * xEventGroup; /* An event group, used for locking FAT, DIR and Buffers. Replaces ucLocks. */
uint8_t * pucCacheMem; /* Pointer to a block of memory for the cache. */
uint16_t usSectorSize; /* The sector(扇区) size that IOMAN is configured to. */
uint16_t usCacheSize; /* Size of the cache in number of Sectors. */
uint8_t ucPreventFlush; /* Flushing to disk only allowed when 0. */
uint8_t ucFlags; /* Bit-Mask: identifying allocated pointers and other flags */
#if ( ffconfigHASH_CACHE != 0 )
FF_HashTable_t xHashCache[ ffconfigHASH_CACHE_DEPTH ];
void * pvFATLockHandle;
} FF_IOManager_t;
FF_IOManager_t * FF_CreateIOManager( FF_CreationParameters_t * pxParameters, FF_Error_t * pError )
: 初始化一个FF_IOMAN对象,获取扇区大小、cache大小等对象信息
FF_Error_t FF_DeleteIOManager( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
void FF_IOMAN_InitBufferDescriptors( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
:补充FF_IOMAN中的内容buffer descriptor,DMA 模块收发数据的单元被称为 BD(Buffer Description,缓存描述符),每个包都会被分成若干个帧,而每个帧则被保存在一个 BD 中。相当于一个buffer的指针。
FF_Error_t FF_FlushCache( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
FF_Buffer_t * FF_GetBuffer( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager, uint32_t ulSector, uint8_t ucMode )
FF_Error_t FF_ReleaseBuffer( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager,FF_Buffer_t * pxBuffer )
int32_t FF_BlockRead( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager,uint32_t ulSectorLBA,uint32_t ulNumSectors,void * pxBuffer, BaseType_t xSemLocked )
: 读一个指定位置的块,其中块是cache的一部分(基础知识)
int32_t FF_BlockWrite( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager,uint32_t ulSectorLBA,uint32_t ulNumSectors,void * pxBuffer,BaseType_t xSemLocked )
:写, 同上
static FF_Error_t prvDetermineFatType( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
: 根据Microsoft的文档,实际型号为:FAT-12、FAT-16和FAT-32可以通过查看数据集群的总数来找到分区。但不一定完全准确,进一步根据FAT table中的前12/16个bits可以决定实际文件系统类型
static BaseType_t prvIsValidMedia( uint8_t media )
:确认MBR(主引导扇区)中的media byte是否有效
FF_Error_t FF_PartitionSearch( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager,FF_SPartFound_t * pPartsFound )
FF_Error_t FF_Mount( FF_Disk_t * pxDisk,BaseType_t xPartitionNumber )
int32_t FF_GetPartitionBlockSize( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
: The purpose of this function is to provide API access to information that might be useful in special cases. Like USB sticks that require a sector knocking sequence for security. After the sector knock, some secure USB sticks then present a different BlockSize.
uint64_t FF_GetVolumeSize( FF_IOManager_t * pxIOManager )
static FF_Error_t prvFormatGetClusterSize( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,BaseType_t xPreferFAT16,BaseType_t xSmallClusters )
:pxSet->ucFATType == FF_T_FAT16决定应使用FAT32还是FAT16,并尝试找到最佳集群大小
static void prvFormatOptimiseFATLocation( struct xFormatSet * pxSet )
static FF_Error_t prvFormatWriteBPB( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,const char * pcVolumeName )
: 写入BIOS 参数块 - 维基百科 (wikipedia.org),这个描述的是硬盘分区
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseFAT( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,int32_t lFatBeginLBA )
:初始化并清理FAT(File Allocation Table)
static FF_Error_t prvFormatInitialiseRootDir( struct xFormatSet * pxSet,int32_t lDirectoryBegin,const char * pcVolumeName)
: 初始化或者清空根目录
static FF_Error_t prvPartitionPrimary( struct xPartitionSet * pxSet )