MAGE: Nearly Zero-Cost Virtual Memory for Secure Computation
MAGE: Memory-Aware Garbling Engine
garbled circuit: 加密电路
什么是Secure Computation
uint a, b, c, branch, cond;
// 内存访问与输入数据有关
if (cond)
a = b;
a = c;
// 内存访问与输入数据无关
branch = 0 - !!cond
a = ((b ^ c) & branch) ^ c;
OS page replacement policy
使得可以提前计算 相比传统的OS分页模式更有效
Belady's theoretically optimal paging algorithm
主动更换分页 预读取,async eviction
已有的是profile-guided optimization (PGO) frameworks mainly focus on optimizing the layout of binaries; they overlook rich information provided by the PMU about data ccess behaviors over the memory hierarchy.
MaPHeA guides and applies the optimized allocation of dynamically allocated heap objects with very low profiling overhead and without additional user intervention to improve application performance
- Heterogeneity of Hadoop cluster where nodes have different processing speed.
- Hadoop cluster shared between Interactive and Batch type jobs.
The phenomena where application requests certain Data Blocks more often then others.
In first phase,historical data access information is collected from the log file of Namenode to determine the frequently accessed set of data blocks,Task arrival rate in a cluster and to individual nodes requesting frequent data blocks and Task processing rate of nodes.
- In Second phase,percentage of frequent data blocks allocation to nodes and classification of frequent data blocks based on their requesting jobs are determined.
- In third phase,the data placement algorithm distributes the frequent data blocks.