



private[spark] class MapPartitionsRDD[U: ClassTag, T: ClassTag](
    var prev: RDD[T],
    f: (TaskContext, Int, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],  // (TaskContext, partition index, iterator)
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean = false,
    isFromBarrier: Boolean = false,
    isOrderSensitive: Boolean = false)
  extends RDD[U](prev) 

参数: * @param prev the parent RDD. * @param f The function used to map a tuple of (TaskContext, partition index, input iterator) to * an output iterator. * @param preservesPartitioning Whether the input function preserves the partitioner, which should * be false unless prev is a pair RDD and the input function * doesn't modify the keys. * @param isFromBarrier Indicates whether this RDD is transformed from an RDDBarrier, a stage * containing at least one RDDBarrier shall be turned into a barrier stage. * @param isOrderSensitive whether or not the function is order-sensitive. If it's order * sensitive, it may return totally different result when the input order * is changed. Mostly stateful functions are order-sensitive.

方法: 1. getPartitions->Array[Partition] 2. compute(Partition,TaskContext)->Iterator[U] 3. clearDependencies->Unit


类型签名: class AppendOnlyMap[K, V](initialCapacity: Int = 64) extends Iterable[(K, V)] with Serializable

功能介绍: 本质上是一种简单的哈希表,对于append-only的情况进行了优化,也就是说keys不会被移除,但是每一种Key的value可能发生改变。 这个实现使用了平方探测法,哈希表的大小是2^n,保证对于每一个key都能浏览所有的空间。 hash的函数使用了Murmur3_32函数(外部库) 空间上界:375809638 (0.7 * 2 ^ 29) elements.

成员变量功能: - LOAD_FACTOR: 负载因子,常量值=0.7 - initialCapacity: 初始容量值64 - capacity: 容量,初始时=initialCapacity - curSize: 记录当前已经放入data的key与聚合值的数量 - data: 数组,初始大小为2capacity,data数组的实际大小之所以是capacity的2倍是因为key和聚合值各占一位 - growThreshhold:data数组容量增加的阈值$growThreshold=LOAD_FACTORcapacity$ - mask: 计算数据存放位置的掩码值,表达式为capacity-1 - k: 要放入data的key - pos: k将要放入data的索引值 - curKey: data[2*pos]位置的当前key - newValue: key的聚合值


参数: - aggregator 可选的聚合器,带有combine function - partitioner 可选的划分,partition ID用于排序,然后是key - ordering 在partition内部使用的排序顺序 重要成员: 1. blockManager 2. spills 主要方法: 1. spillMemoryIteratorToDisk(WriteablePartitionedIterator[K,C])->SpilledFile将溢出的内存里的迭代器对应的内容放到临时磁盘中 2. insertAll(Iterator[Product2[K,V]])->Unit利用自定义的AppendOnlyMap将records进行更新(缓存聚合) 3.

      iterators: Seq[Iterator[Product2[K, C]]],
      mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C,
      comparator: Comparator[K],
      totalOrder: Boolean)
      ->Iterator[Product2[K, C]]

RDD dependency

基类abstract class Dependency[T] extends Serializable

  1. abstract class NarrowDependency[T](_rdd: RDD[T]) extends Dependency[T]
* Get the parent partitions for a child partition.
* @param partitionId a partition of the child RDD
* @return the partitions of the parent RDD that the child partition depends upon


  1. class ShuffleDependency[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, C: ClassTag]
 * @param _rdd the parent RDD
 * @param partitioner partitioner used to partition the shuffle output
 * @param serializer [[org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer Serializer]] to use. If not set
 *                   explicitly then the default serializer, as specified by `spark.serializer`
 *                   config option, will be used.
 * @param keyOrdering key ordering for RDD's shuffles
 * @param aggregator map/reduce-side aggregator for RDD's shuffle
 * @param mapSideCombine whether to perform partial aggregation (also known as map-side combine)
 * @param shuffleWriterProcessor the processor to control the write behavior in ShuffleMapTask

代表在shuffle stage的输出上的依赖,由于shuffle是临时的,这个RDD也是临时的因为我们不需要在executor上挂载这个依赖。 1. class OneToOneDependency[T](rdd: RDD[T]) extends NarrowDependency[T](rdd)

代表一对一的依赖,是一种在父RDD与子RDD的partition之间的关系 4. class RangeDependency[T](rdd: RDD[T], inStart: Int, outStart: Int, length: Int) extends NarrowDependency[T](rdd) /** * @param rdd the parent RDD * @param inStart the start of the range in the parent RDD * @param outStart the start of the range in the child RDD * @param length the length of the range */ 代表一对一的依赖,但是是在一系列的partitions在父RDD和子RDD之间